Pancreatic Cancer – 7 Risk Factors
Risk factors are indicators that will increase your chances of getting any disease. Some risk factors can be alleviated by controlling them. For instance, where alcohol consumption or obesity are risk factors, you can work to gain control over them. However, genetics, age, and other factors cannot be changed. This article will be talking about the risk factors for pancreatic cancer. Given below are some of them.
1. Obesity
Carrying excess weight around one’s belly is a problem for everyone. However, it can have major repercussions if you have other risk factors involved too. If a person is obese and has a family history of pancreatic cancer, they certainly are at a higher risk of being diagnosed.
2. Chronic pancreatitis as a pre-existing condition
Alcoholics and smokers are positively at a higher risk when it comes to chronic pancreatitis. Considering this, if you have this as a pre-condition, then the chances are that you are at a higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer. This is certainly one of the risk factors for pancreatic cancer.
3. Diabetes
It is well known that diabetes is a silent killer. Those with diabetes seem to be at a higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Therefore, diabetes is one of the top risk factors for pancreatic cancer. Those with type 2 diabetes need to be more alert as they are at a higher risk. Since there is a general connection between being diabetic and obese, it can be said that those with diabetes may be at a higher risk.
4. Age, gender, and race
Almost all patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer are above the age of 45. While the average age of those diagnosed with it is 70, about two-thirds of those diagnosed are at least 65 years old. While African Americans are more likely to be affected by this cancer, men are more susceptible when it comes to pancreatic cancer.
5. Certain inherited syndromes
Generally, inherited syndromes or genes are passed on from parent to child. It is understood that about 10% of pancreatic cancers are caused this way. While some cases could directly cause pancreatic cancer, many other syndromes lead to other kinds of cancers too.
6. Family history
As one of the main risk factors for pancreatic cancer, familial history is important. The main reason behind this seems to be the presence of an inherited gene or syndrome. If anyone in a person’s family has suffered from pancreatic cancer, it is best to stay alert and aware of the symptoms associated with it.
7. Tobacco usage or smoking
Smoking has major repercussions for your body. In this case, it is one of the major risk factors of pancreatic cancer. The risk of getting diagnosed with it doubles if you are a smoker (as compared to non-smokers). Research suggests that about 25% of pancreatic cancers are caused due to smoking.
Knowing the risk factors associated with pancreatic cancer helps you stay aware and gain control over some of the risk factors.