6 Healthy Ingredients to Make Cat Treats at Home
Cat treats, ideally, should make up only 10 % of your cat’s diet. That is so because treats do not add anything of value except empty calories. However, you can make treats healthier by adding ingredients for healthy cat treats. When you are making treats for your furry friend, you have to think about their favorite food and its health quotient.
Here is a list of ingredients for healthy cat treats that you can use when making cat treats to keep your kitty motivated.
1. Fish oil
Fish oil supplements can be used to make healthy cat treats. Several options are available, such as salmon, or cod liver oil, that can be added to treats. The omega 3 fatty acids in the oil can help keep your cat’s coat healthy and prevent dry skin in winters.
2. Eggs
Eggs are a safe and healthy ingredient for making your cat’s food. They are a rich source of proteins and vitamin B. Make sure the eggs are completely cooked. Avoid giving your feline friends raw eggs to avoid foodborne diseases.
3. Chicken
Cats are obligate carnivores who require a diet consisting mainly of meats as their bodies cannot digest fiber foods. Though all meats are healthy for them in moderation, chicken is the healthiest choice. It is a good source of lean protein. You need to ensure that it is cooked properly and the skin is removed.
4. Catnip and cat grass
Catnip and cat grass are ingredients that can be used to prepare healthy cat treats. They are cereal grasses like oats and wheat. You can either grow them on a sunny window or find a dry and fresh variant in pet stores.
5. Salmon
Salmon is a good source of omega 3 fatty acids and proteins. It would be best if you only gave cooked salmon as a treat to your cat. You can also bind salmon and oats together to make a yummy treat for your four-legged pal. Make sure you give these treats occasionally. Some pets may also be allergic to salmon.
6. Spinach
If you want to treat your cats with some natural goodness that also has varied health benefits, spinach should be the ideal choice. It is loaded with minerals, iron, calcium, and vitamins such as A, C, K. However, avoid spinach if your cat has a history of bladder problems or kidney stones.
Cats can be a little picky about what they eat. Make sure you give them a variety of food in moderation to gauge their likes and dislikes. You need to ensure your kitty receives proper nutrition by including healthy ingredients while making cat treats. If you are unsure of any ingredient, consult a vet for a better understanding.