5 Foods That are Toxic for Dogs
We consider dogs our family members. Hence, we always try to feed them the best of foods. But you need to keep in mind that certain foods are harmful to dogs. This is primarily because dogs have a different metabolic system than humans. In some cases, certain foods can be fatal too. Keep scrolling to know more about the foods that are dangerous for dogs, and keep them out of your pupper’s reach.
1. Foods containing xylitol
Our favorite candies and baked products contain xylitol. Xylitol is a sweetener that is added to these foods. These are the topmost foods that should be kept away from your dog. Consumption of foods that contain xylitol can cause imbalances in your dog’s blood sugar levels. In some cases, these foods can also lead to liver failure. If you are feeding your dog foods that include xylitol, then it may develop symptoms like vomiting and lethargy. It may also face coordination problems.
2. Avocados
Avocados contain a toxin known as persin. The consumption of avocados can lead to vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. Sometimes, your dog may not be able to digest it and the seed can get stuck in its intestine. In such cases, the obstruction could be fatal. Therefore, it is wise to keep your dog away from avocados.
3. Alcohol
Like humans, alcohol is bad for dogs too. It can have a negative impact on its liver and brain. You need to remember that even the slightest quantities of alcohol can hurt your dog. Any alcoholic beverage or food, for that matter, is a strict no-no for your furry friend. It can cause coordination problems, diarrhea, and vomiting. In severe cases, it can cause breathing difficulties, coma, and even death.
4. Onions and garlic
Onions and garlic—whether raw, cooked, dehydrated, or powdered—are bad for your dog. Eating these can harm the red blood cells of your dog, and it may develop symptoms of anemia. These two vegetables can even end up poisoning your dog.
5. Caffeine-rich foods
Caffeine can be fatal for your dog. Do not ever give your dog cocoa, chocolate, coffee, and energy drinks. They may lead to uneasiness, vomiting, and panting, among many other symptoms. Keep in mind that caffeine is also found in some cold medicines and painkillers.