7 Effective Ways to Treat UTIs
Although UTIs or urinary tract infections can affect both men and women, the problem is more common in women. The symptoms depend on the type of infection and vary from mild pelvic pain to a burning sensation during urination. They also depend on which part of the urinary tract is affected: urethra, kidneys, or bladder. Whatever be the case, here are the best treatment options for UTI.
1. Antibiotics
When the infection is severe, it can lead to a lot of discomforts. Sometimes, the pelvic pain gets unbearable, or the patient might even notice blood in the urine. In such cases, doctors might prescribe a mild antibiotic to tackle the bacteria responsible for this infection. This helps prevent the condition from worsening and also treats the existing disease quickly.
2. Avoid food items that aggravate the condition
Even if patients choose the best treatment options for UTI, they should simultaneously follow a healthy diet so that the medicines are effective. Some foods like caffeine drinks, spicy foods, or even alcohol can make UTIs worse and should be avoided. One should also try to avoid spicy food items. Besides food, some medications like diuretics can also make UTI symptoms more severe. Patients should avoid them till the UTI completely clears off.
3. Stay hydrated
Dehydration makes UTIs more uncomfortable. When the body runs short of water, it decreases urination. This, in turn, increases the bacteria stored in the body, leading to flare-ups in symptoms. So keeping oneself well-hydrated can help speed up recovery. Patients should opt for water and avoid sodas for the best results.
4. Eat cranberry
One of the most common home remedies suggested for UTIs is cranberry juice. Organic cranberry juice without artificial sweeteners would be the best options to include. Doctors may also prescribe cranberry supplements for people who do not have access to fresh cranberry juice.
5. Have fruits with D-mannose
The natural sugars found in some fruits are called D-mannose. Peaches, apples, and cranberries are familiar sources. It is also found in small amounts in broccoli and beans. According to research, D-mannose can help relieve UTI symptoms to some extent.
6. Increase vitamin C intake
Consuming vitamin C through citrus fruits or in the form of supplements can help fight infections faster. Patients can also add vitamin C to their diet by adding bell peppers or kiwifruits, readily available in the market.
7. Add garlic to the meals
When consumed either directly or as supplements, this is another food item that can help reduce UTI symptoms. The antibacterial properties of garlic can be helpful even for the most complicated infections.
Choosing the best treatment options for UTIs can end the discomfort right at an early stage. Some patients may require a combination of home remedies and medication, and for those with milder infections, home remedies are sufficient.